Sunday, November 4, 2012

What's Been Going On...

Dear Little One,

So, it's been almost three months since I've stopped my birth control pill.  Since then, I have had three cycles and I just started my fourth a few days ago.  In order to help with understanding my body more, I've been tracking my basal body temperature.  It's a little rough on weekends having to get up so early to take my temperature, but I fall right back to sleep and I know you will be worth it.

We officially started trying to conceive last cycle.  It was a pretty rough day when my period started last week, but I'm doing much better now.  Daddy was sad too, but he was strong for mommy.  I've noticed that my luteal phase is only about eleven days, and I spot two of those days.  It has me a little worried, but I think it is just because of the birth control and my body still regulating after getting off the pill.  I've done some research online and I found that vitamin B6 can help lengthen the luteal phase, so I started taking the vitamin yesterday.  We'll see how that works out for me.

A few months ago, I joined a group online for women trying to conceive the first time. There's about twenty or so girls in the group, some just starting to try, some going through fertility treatments, some trying to conceive after a miscarriage, and everything in between.  It has been an amazing support group and I don't know what I would do without those ladies.  Daddy appreciates it too because he doesn't have to listen to ever TTC thought that passes through my head.  The group has four girls that have gotten pregnant already, and I'm hoping to be the next lucky girl to get a big fat positive!

Well, basically that is all that's going on.  Daddy and I are still very much looking forward to the day we find out you are on your way, but until then, I will just keep dreaming.  I can't wait to meet you little one!

Love forever and always,

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