Thursday, August 9, 2012

Preconception Check-Up

Dear Little One,

Last week, I had my first preconception checkout with my new ob/gyn. {long story short, my last ob/gyn was rude and acted as if I was intruding on her time} Dr. C is amazing!  After going over my chart, she recommended doing my semi-annual pap smear.  I have a pap smear every six months for two years due to an irregular pap about a year and a half ago.

After that, we discussed my questions and concerns regarding preconception.  I had a ton and she had no problem with me getting out my “small” list of questions to go over so I knew I didn’t miss anything.  First we discussed the office information.  We went over how the office works {since there are 5 doctors} and how they do the on-call rotation.  She told me that generally, each doctor delivers their own patients about 85-90% of the time.  We talked about where she had hospital privileges and how often she performs caesarian sections.

Then we moved on to the discussion about what I need to do in order to be ready to conceive.  When should I stop birth control and how long after stopping should we wait before trying to conceive?  She suggested stopping about two to three months before trying to conceive and then switch to another form of birth control during that time.  This allows my cycle to become regular again.  Although, she assured me if I were to get pregnant during that time, it was not a problem.  Should I be taking a prenatal vitamin, and if so, which one?  Dr. C recommends that I’m on a prenatal vitamin for at least two months before I conceive.  She wrote me a prescription and I’ve already started taking them.  Are there any medicines that I shouldn’t be taking?  Right now, what I am taking is fine. {Aleve for pain and Zyrtec for allergies} Once I become pregnant, I will have to stop taking Aleve and switch to Tylenol.  Do I need any vaccines?  It’s encouraged that soon-to-be moms have a booster to the pertussis vaccine.  Should I change my diet and exercise?  There is no need to change any diet or exercise until after I’ve gotten pregnant.

Once finished with the questions, Dr. C started the actual exam.  She performed the pap then sent the nurse in to do the rest.  Nurse M was wonderful!  She is so sweet and really talked me through everything since she knows I am terrified of needles.  She drew five vials of blood {to test for cystic fibrosis and other such things} and then gave me my pertussis vaccine.  None of it actually hurt that bad and I was assured that since I had some blood work done now, I will have less done once I actually become pregnant.  I got my Band-Aid and was sent on my way.

Overall, the visit was a success.  I got lots of information and feel much better about our decision on trying to conceive in the near future.

Love forever and always,

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Dear Little One...

That's you... right now, you're just a twinkle in mommy and daddy's eye.

We are just starting out on this journey, and I thought it would be neat to document all the little steps it takes to bring you into our world... from preconception to birth.  I'm sure this journey will be full of ups and downs, but in the end, you will be worth every tear, every smile, every bit of it all.

Love forever and always,